Tuesday 7 December 2010

Dog Adoption

There are many things to think about when considering dog adoption. You want to consider why you want that furry companion. You could reflect on the great fun you will have as well as the many memories you will create with your new pet. There are many more things to consider with dog adoption that are less attractive as well.

You should consider the financial aspect. The financial aspects include food, bedding, toys and vet visits. There is usually a fee for dog adoption. If you decide to adopt a purebred dog the fees are significantly higher. Many people who choose purebred dog adoption might choose to breed the canine in the future.

A major thing to consider before choosing dog adoption for your family is your location. Do you have a large enough yard space? Is there a good walking path to take your pet? How long would you be leaving the dog alone during a day? If you travel a lot, where would you board the animal? Do you have small children that may not get along with the new pet?

Dog allergies are usually not discovered until the dog has been in the home for approximately a month. Unfortunately everyone in the home has become very attached to the new pet by then. If you already have a pet, there may be some adjustment issues. Do you plan on crate-training the dog? You might want to consider how much time you have to devote to training a pup before choosing dog adoption for your family.

When looking at your options for dog adoption candidates you want to consider size. The size of the animal can reduce some of the issues. A small dog is easier to transport, cost less to board and would be satisfied with less yard space.

A large dog is great for protection and is more intimidating if there is an intruder. I feel that it is safe to say that a large pet would probably fair better in a home with a lot of free running space that offers the security of a fence. Small dogs would probably be quite satisfied with city living.

After considering all of your options you may find that none of it really matters once you meet your special pet. Dog adoption is commonly unplanned because many of us fall deeply in love with our pup at first sight. You may find that you will have to adjust to your new animal, big or small.